Top-notch Coding / Programming Training Outfit and App Developers


d i g i t a l t r a s f o r m a t i o n t r a i n i n g h u b
Programming & Coding Training | App Development

Android Mobile Application Development Training

Cross Platform (Android & IOS) Mobile App Training

This course is for people who have some programming experience and have curiosity and passion about the world of Android development. This course is not for people who have never programmed on Java before. The most basic building block of Android development is the programming language Java.
This course introduces you to the design and implementation of Android applications for mobile devices. You will develop an app from scratch, assuming a basic knowledge of Java, and learn how to set up Android Studio, work with various Activities and create simple user interfaces to make your apps run smoothly.
We also do Android App Development with Python Training & Certification Course.

Need more info?   Email:   Enquie now!

Schedule & Cost

Mode of Delivery Location Course Duration Cost Schedule
Instructor-Led Onsite Training (1-on-1) Client's Home / Office 8 Weeks =N= 300,000 As per mutual convenience (4-Hours Evenings & Weekends Possible
Classroom Training Port Harcourt 8 Weeks =N= 280,000 1 March - 17 May 2021,
24 May - 7 Aug 2021,
14 Aug - 28 Oct 2021
Lagos 8 Weks =N= 280,000 1 March - 17 May 2021,
24 May - 7 Aug 2021,
14 Aug - 28 Oct 2021
Invite-Me-a-Trainer Client's Location 40 Days On Request Base on mutual convenience

Quality is what matters most in Mobile Apps:

  • Design
  • We prepares you on how to build a professional UI and UX design for your mobile application.
  • Develop
  • You will learn how to develop your mobile app using either native or hybrid tech for android and iOs
  • Deploy
  • You will learn how to conduct adequate testing, and get your mobile app on the Google Playstore and Apple Appstore
  • Support
  • We will prepare you on how to render post development support for bug fixes and new features integration.

Cross Platform Mobile App Development Course Benefits

At Completion of this Course, a student will accomplish the following:-

  • Design and build a complete cross platform Android & IOS application
  • Debug and maintain Cross platform applications using different tools and plugins
  • Thoroughly understand the life-cycle of an Android IOS application and its main components
  • Use external resources, manifest files, intents and adapters
  • Understand and use all Android & IOS persistent storage techniques: Preferences, files, databases, and content providers
  • Use cross platform background processing techniques
  • Setting up and understanding your Android Development Environment
  • Register and publishing on Play Store

Stay ahead of the competition in your career and organization with Zend Certification training courses. Interested and qualified students can join the classes for PHP Developer at ENHTECH Training center or one-on-one instructor-led training at your home or office.


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Guarnatee to Run the Classes

Skilled Trainers

Leading Onsite IT Training Firm

Why is Programming Important

Programming Languages are the reasons behind the innovations in information technologies

Programming is important to automate, collect, manage, calculate, analyze processing of data and information accurately.

Programming is important to create software and applications that help computer and mobile users in daily life. Due to all these reasons, It is really important that you learn how to use programming languages in our daily life. HTML, CSS, Java, PHP, Javascript, Python, C#, C++, Swift, SQL, Ruby, etc programming languages are the reasons behind the innovations in the information technologies. If today we are seeing robots, artificial intelligence, machine learning, bitcoins, the blockchain, IOT(Internet of Things), cloud computing etc, new technology and products in IT industry, then is because of programming languages.

Flutter Propagation

  • Duration 5 Weeks
  • Cost is NGN 90,000.
  • You will learn computer programming with Dart..
  • You will learn how to install and build static pages in Flutter.
  • You will learn flutter widget design (stateful and stateless).
  • You will learn how to navigate and pass data between pages.
  • You will learn how to work with forms and user inputs.

Flutter Intermediate

  • Duration 4 Weeks
  • Cost is NGN 90,000.
  • You will learn about Flutter advanced widgets.
  • You will learn how to send request to an HTTP backend API.
  • You will learn how to integrate Google Firebase.
  • You will learn how to manage user authentications in Google Firebase.
  • You will learn how to integrate third party packages e.g Maps, Charts et.c.

Flutter Advanced

  • Duration 3 Weeks
  • Cost is NGN 100,000.
  • You will learn about Flutter providers.
  • You will learn about shared preferences.
  • You will learn more on managing custom API authentications.
  • You will learn how to work with advanced logics.
  • You will learn how to deploy your app to the android and iOS stores.